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Mangroves rehab: lessons & insights

Mangroves provide a range of ecosystem services. These largely include the provision of timber, fuel wood, medicines, natural dyes, honey, and marine food. They also help in regulating floods, erosion and saltwater intrusion; and protect coastal communities against the harsh impacts of storms and tsunamis. Further, there are several aesthetic and cultural services that mangroves provide, including those related to…

July 26 is International Day for the Conservation of Mangrove System

International Day for the Conservation of the Mangrove Ecosystem  Mangroves protect coastlines from erosion, they regulate flooding and buffer storms, provide nursery habitats for fish and can store large amounts of carbon dioxide. However, despite the many advantages that healthy mangrove ecosystems bring to coastal communities and the world as a whole, more than two thirds of mangroves has been lost or degraded. This is why UNESCO has designated 26 July…